To upgrade a soldered-in 128K Tecmar Jr Captain to 512K w/ 256k DRAMs This procedure is not for the weak-of-heart or the non-technical. review all steps before starting. have on-hand all tools and components before starting. this procedure will take about four hours. turn back if you feel unsure of yourself. 1) Remove the Tecmar Jr Captain board from the sidecar socket. Remove the board from the two plastic shells. 2) With the help of the Jr Captain Tech manual locate the 64K DRAMs. With small side-cutters ; cut all leads of the 64K DRAMs (do not attempt to de-solder the 64k chips from the board as this will increase the risk of damage to the other components on the board) 3) With a low-wattage soldering iron and needle-nosed pliers, remove the 64K DRAM soldered-in leads from the board. 4) with a soldering wick or a spring-loaded solder-sucker, remove all the remaining solder from the lands on both sides of the board 5) VERY IMPORTANT STEP: Inspect the board with a jewelers loupe for solder bridges between the lands on the board; remove all. Take your time. this step is very important. 6) Insert low-profile sockets (standard sockets will not fit). 7) Solder the sockets into the board ; caution don't create any solder bridges. 8) CAUTION: create a static-free enviornment; ground yourself to earth ground while handling the DRAMs 8) insert sixteen 256K DRAMs ( available from mail order houses for $50 to $70 in sets of nine; save the extra two for spares in the static-free shipping case) into the sockets. Use caution when inserting the leads. Do not break any leads. 9) remove jumper number 4 from the Jr Captain board.(see tech manual) 10) re-install the board. 11) RE-BOOT with CONPCJR.EXE in your AUTOEXEC.BAT as outlined in the Jr Captain Tech manual. 12) enjoy your 640 k Junior.